• Feng Shui is an ancient art, much like traditional Chinese medicine, where understanding the theory is just as important as mastering the practical skills. Here, you'll learn the essentials of Feng Shui, including "observing, listening, questioning, and discerning," helping you gain a comprehensive grasp of this profound practice.

      English Version:

      • Core Knowledge: Start with the fundamentals—Yin-Yang, the Five Elements, and the basics of the Eight Trigrams. These are the building blocks of Feng Shui. As you progress through our courses, you'll repeatedly encounter these concepts, deepening your understanding.
      • Focus on Shape Analysis: Feng Shui is divided into Shape Analysis (Form School) and Compass School. We emphasize Shape Analysis, as it forms the foundation of most Feng Shui practices. Our beginner courses primarily cover this area.
      • Practical Applications: Our courses address different types of Feng Shui, including residential, commercial, internal, and external environments. We carefully select and update our materials to ensure you receive accurate, practical knowledge.

      Your journey in Feng Shui starts here. Join us and discover the wisdom of this ancient practice.


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